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Es werden Posts vom 2016 angezeigt.

No Man's Sky - Do not patch! Or am I crazy? - A little play of thoughts

No Man's Sky, the long-awaited space exploration adventure from Hello Games gets a Day-One-patch - so far so good (and so typical in the industry today). That alone would not be enough for me to write an article since this is no news-site. But the patch has huge implications, maybe more than meets your eye when reading the quite lengthy notes on the developer's website. I want to take you on a little trip of the mind, why these changes might build up to the patch with the biggest impact on a game as of yet...

Stranger Things (TV Show, Netflix)

Did you enjoy movies like Super 8 or E.T.? Well, chances are, you already know about this new show from Netflix called Stranger Things . But in case you don't, consider reading my little recap here, you won't regret it...